My brother asked me to start a "light hearted" blog about religion questions that bug people. Readers can pose questions and topics. He suggested topics of: evil, original sin and whether religious people behave better than non-religious people. I presume I am to provide the "light hearted" part.


Evolution of spirit 11: living as spirit in our many dimensioned consciousness

The evolutionary process is the inherent nature of the universe. It continues to transform all levels of reality from the material, to the social, mental and conscious. Everything is always changing, shifting, and evolving different forms and ways of being.

The three-pronged evolutionary trajectory of physiology-mind-consciousness has generated a meta-level reality in which consciousness itself is evolving ever more complex levels of observation and integration. The soul function of consciousness has made possible the integration of the experiences of the physical, mental, and conscious environments in a reality which encompasses values, moral responsibility, beauty, truth, meaning.

We are continually evolving along these multiple inter-related but independent trajectories. Our humanity is not something we have achieved but something that is always in transition between possibilities. And the different forms which our humanity takes are as varied as there are human beings. It is a combination of external and internal factors and pressures interacting in dynamic tension.

Greater degrees of observation evolve in active reciprocal association with language, thought and consciousness. We don't just observe more complexity within and without, we think about it and we talk about it, accelerating the evolution of both mental and conscious aspects of our shared humanity.

Ego is concerned with self-interest and self-preservation; soul is concerned with finding and creating truth, beauty, joy, and greater awareness. Spirit reaches beyond individual awareness and incorporates a consciousness that envelops all existence in the individual self.

Ego cannot envision or value altruistic motivations; it cannot derive personal pleasure or fulfillment from the experiences of others. Soul finds its connections with others and fulfillment of its personal life in exploring all the multi-dimensional aspects of our humanity in mutually reinforcing networks of collaboration. Spirit consciously creates environments which purposefully dissolve and disassemble barriers, generate holistic vision and actively pursue the welfare of all things and beings.

Spirit is connected intimately and intrinsically to all things. Its life is interwoven in the fabric of existence itself and germinates a profound sense of ultimate value when its life patterns touch the lives of others. Spirit thrives in environments of mutually reinforcing consciousness which includes not only humans, but any other living and non-living existent thing.

The spirit function of consciousness transcends the limited personal values of the soul and becomes personally invested in material, mental and spiritual characteristics which generate benefits to all. It feels equally linked to all forms of living beings and non-living elements of existence. Spirit values those aspects of the material, social, mental and conscious spheres which promote and sustain universal consciousness, the wellbeing of all.

We have gone beyond merely observing and interacting with the multiple environments in which we live. We are, in fact, consciously creating our humanity. We are deciding by the values we, as individuals and as communities, place on the infinite number of inner states and experiences of consciousness, what "humanity" means. The unending quest for spirit holds the promise of our human potential. the next post will start the topic of political correctness!

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