A note of disclaimer. Knowing to do all this is way different than being able to do it! I'm one of the worst yellers and screamers in the pool. I get annoyed, upset, angry. I do stuff that rattles everyone else's cages and makes them crazy. I go rushing around without being careful where I'm stepping. But just because I don't behave very well myself doesn't mean I'm going to give up on the concept - or try to excuse myself.
So the other thing we can do is engage in good housekeeping with each other. After we've made a mess, try to clean it up. Well, I guess first we've got to start recognizing when we've made a mess. There are a wide variety of ways we can each use to try and clean up our messes. It's as personal and individual as the things that make us crazy with each other and the things that make us happy with each other. But one thing our human minds are really good at: if we tell our mind we want to go in a particular direction, it will start working out ways to get us there. We just have to genuinely and honestly want it.
Life is a tangled forest. We have no idea what direction we're going, where we want to get to, how long it will take, and what we need to get there. It all works better if we can acknowledge to ourselves when we're unhappy about something, and then let it go. I'm told we should also enjoy the good stuff, and then let it go as well. We gotta keep on moving to wherever it is we're going.
And it appears that we need both religious and non-religious people, both fast and slow people, both left brain people and right brain people, linear thinkers and non-linear thinkers. It's all of us working together on this huge multi-millenia-long experiment of becoming human that is enabling us to decide what we want our humanity to be.
I personally prefer non-linear thinking, finding ways to harmonize opposites, emphasizing the beautiful, and focusing on what makes us similar. I'm not so taken with the importance of logic, rationality, effectiveness, accomplishment. Though I do enjoy efficiency - in some cases - unless it interferes with companionship or a good meal or a romp with the dogs.... or throwing words together like this which I utterly adore and toss all efficiency out the window when I'm absorbed in writing.
Both religious and non-religious people make me crazy at some point. But both also give me joy and delight in our shared humanity as well. I choose my friends on a case-by-case basis - and try to make the best of it with family.
On to the next topic in the next blog - can you really prove the existence of God?
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